
I’m not terrible at writing. I enjoy a bit of it, in fact. But I do not enjoy, nor am I very good at, writing about myself. I had hoped, I had thought that all of my writing, ultimately, would be about myself anyway.

And yet here we are, with a page to fill under the bold header About.

My name is Mel. I’m an archer, writer, and yogi. I offer you my arrows, my words, and an enthusiastic down dog or two.

I live in Upstate New York, in an intentional community with my little weird, modern, ever-shifting bio and chosen family. I have a BA in English from Indiana University. I have earned several certificates from Cornell University, including project management and UX design. I am a USA Archery Level 3 NTS Coach, and a RYT200 yoga teacher. During my obligatory weekly 40, I am a strategic communication specialist at Cornell University, where I also teach archery as part of the Physical Education program.

I spend a lot of my free time right now thinking about bows and arrows. I grew up around archery, but didn’t take to it until a few years ago when I started training at Ithaca Archery with Coach Charles Rendleman. I have ambitious archery goals, and plans to document my progress here on this site.

I also enjoy spending time with my dogs and kids (in that order, usually ), camping and hiking in Upstate New York, reading and watching a little television when I can – mostly comfort shows I’ve seen many times over. Star Trek and Supernatural are favorites.

I teach classes occasionally. You’re invited to join! If you find my posts useful or compelling, consider supporting this site. Contributions will fund coaching and range time.

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An unlikely love story


Communication & social media in "unprecedented" time. I complain about the internet, despite it making me employable. Opinions my own (especially the bad ones).